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Nobuhiro Tsuji
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Kyoto University, Japan

Nobuhiro Tsuji received his Bachelor, Master and PhD degrees from Department of Materials Science and Technology, Kyoto University, Japan in 1989, 1991, and 1994, respectively. He worked as an assistant professor and then an associate professor in Osaka University from 1994 to 2009, during which he developed the accumulative roll bonding (ARB) process with his colleagues that is known as a severe plastic deformation process applicable to continuous production of large bulky materials with ultrafine grained structures.  He has been working as a full professor in charge of physical metallurgy of structural metallic materials at Department of Materials Science and Engineering in Kyoto University since March 2009.  He has been continuously interested in the correlation between micro/nano-structure and mechanical properties in structural metallic materials, and has acquired interesting results on bulk nanostructured metals (ultrafine grained metallic materials). Those results have been published in various international journals ( He has received scientific awards including JIM (Japan Institute of Metals) Tanikawa-Harris Award (2022), Lee Hsun Lecture Award from Chinese Academy of Science, Institute for Metals Research (2018), the 5th JSPS (Japan Society for Promotion of Science) Award (2009), and so on. He has supervised 32 PhD students as the principal supervisor and has worked with 26 post-doctoral fellows by now. Most of them are now working as professors and researchers at universities, research institutes and industries in various countries (Japan, China, Korea, Thailand, India, Iran, Australia, Sweden, US, etc.).

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The academic assignments are as follows
Date (UTC+8) Time (UTC+8) Local Time Room Session Role Talk Title
2022-09-06 15:15-16:00 2022-09-06,15:15-16:00Room A

Plenary Session I

Speaker Thermomechanical Processing for Fabricating Ultrafine Grained Steels